Receive Good!


If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! Matthew 7:11 (KJV)


Most of us know what our fathers were like or are like. Some good, few unkind, and some a mix of both in certain situations. Even the best fathers sometimes make poor decisions. The truth is that none of us have a perfect father because they are all human.

In contrast to the human father, God the Father is perfect in everything. He is our creator, healer, provider, protector, comforter, and sustainer. He is loving, forgiving, caring, and perfect in all that He does. God’s thoughts and plans towards us are purely excellent and prosperous (Jeremiah 29:11). God the Father has no limitations, no weaknesses, no flaws, and therefore does not mess up.

The moment we accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, we become the children of God and receive the privilege of calling God “Our Father” (Romans 8:15). Everything we receive or allow into our lives by our Father in heaven is designed for our good. Sometimes situations may appear to be harmful and ill-intended, but when our Heavenly Father is with us, we are promised that the bad can change to good and can produce an excellent outcome (Genesis 50:20).

Our response to God, the Father, for all the good we experience in life, should be: ‘God is my helper, I will not be afraid’. (Hebrews 13:6)

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank you for every good gift we have received from you.


One Comment

  1. Sharon Joseph
    20 Jul 2020 23:14:19 Reply

    Dear Lord,
    Thank you for dad in my life. Though I never loved him so many years for whatever reasons, I realised he always loved us unconditionally. I miss you dad. I thank God for my heavenly Father who’s always watching and listening to us. What a relationship we have calling us His sons and daughters. Thank you dear Father. You are a perfect Father. Love you Jesus.

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