Recipe for Blessed Life


Psalm 16:8-9
I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope.

Psalm 16:8-9 is full of hope and confidence. Reading these scriptures, we get the recipe for a joyful, peaceful, and hopeful life. Psalmist has his priorities right. He has set the Lord always before himself. The Lord is at his right hand; what could that mean, “at his right hand” means the position of authority and honor. Therefore, he is confident that:

– He will not be moved

– He will be glad and joyful

– He is hopeful, always.

Do we desire a peaceful and joyful life where hope never ends? Well, now we know: Put God first, make Him the senior partner of our lives. Let’s follow His lead and reap a life filled with Joy, Peace, and Hope amidst all uncertainty we come across.

Psalm 16 starts with a petition for preservation, which leads to exultation in the Lord as a refuge, treasure, sovereign and counselor, which leads to unshaken confidence that God will preserve. Like David may we know that God is our refuge, treasure, sovereign one and counselor – He will be so forever.


Blessed Day Ahead.


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