Our Lives: Reflection of God’s Patience


1 Timothy 1:16
However, for this reason, I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life.

Have you wondered:
Why did God save us? Why were we shown mercy? Why were we transformed from sinners to saints? Why do we have our prayers answered? Why are we blessed beyond measure? Sometimes we cannot comprehend the blessings that we receive, it makes us think do we really deserve it? Why aren’t our grief without hope? What could be an answer to all these “Why”?

Yes, God’s Love is a prime answer to all the questions. We also cannot deny the fact that His patience over us is immense. Therefore, He reveals His power, patience through us so that when others look at us and our lives they should believe in Him for everlasting life. Our lives should reveal Christ’s involvement through His love, patience, and mercy. Our lives should sing a song of hope in Christ Jesus. As God’s child whatever we go through it is to magnify His name. Like Paul, we too should desire that our lives should be an encouragement for others to repent and believe, to hold on to His promises, and to endure.

Dear Lord, Help us always to reflect your likeness through our lives. May all the honor, glory, and praise belong to you alone. In Jesus name, Amen.

Blessed Day Ahead.


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