Rejoice in GOD


But rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy 1 Peter 4:13 

The Bible tells us, Rejoice in the LORD always, and again I say Rejoice. To be joyful is a commandment from GOD, not a choice. We must always strive to keep our JOY, despite the situations demanding us to be depressed, sad or anxious. 

How do we be joyful, irrespective of the challenges and troubles around us? The Bible tells, us, “ Even though the sorrow may last for the night, the JOY comes in the morning” every day, GOD fills our heart with a new JOY. it is our responsibility to choose Joy over our depression, to choose Joy above sorrow. When we learn to choose JOY, we will automatically be Joyful and slowly learn to forget our griefs. 

Today, as we take up the challenges that lay before us, let us Joyfully accept them and thank GOD for all the opportunities and blessings that are coming our way. 


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