Rejoice in Him and praise Him


Psalm 33:1
Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous! For praise from the upright is beautiful.

Psalm 33 is a call for all righteous to praise God later it also furnishes us the matter for praise. It lists various reasons why Our God and savior deserve all our praise. However, Psalm 33:1 invites the righteous and upright to Rejoice and praise the Lord.

Who is righteous? Who is upright? Biblically a person is righteous when he is in the right relationship with God and receives the imputed obedience of Christ and the forgiveness of sins through faith. It is a righteousness we receive from God. We are not righteous depending on our merit or work. Instead, we are righteous because the Father has chosen us from the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:3-14) and declares us righteous on account of Jesus’ atoning death and justifying resurrection (Rom.3:21-28, 4:18-25). So, Do we consider ourselves as the ones who have been set free by the Son, then we are righteous. Isn’t He a good good father? This Father’s Day He deserves all our praise and honor.

Upright are the ones who walk in humility, integrity, and sincerity in front of God and the people around them. Upright contrast hypocrisy. We who are in Christ have the privilege of being enabled and empowered by His Holy Spirit to lead an Upright life. When we practice walking in the Spirit, we can have a blameless and upright life like many in the bible.

Righteousness is what we receive and the cause which encourages us to walk uprightly. Therefore, uprightness is the outcome of Godly righteousness in us. When we blood-washed, saved, empowered upright people rejoice and praise the one who is responsible for this, IT IS BEAUTIFUL.

Blessed Day Ahead.


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