Rely on GOD


“From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you.” Psalm 71:6 (NIV) 

Whom do we rely upon? Let us take a minute of silence and reflect, when in trouble and in need of guidance, whom do we rely upon? To whom do we run? It is natural for us to go to our people, be it mentors, parents, friends, spouse, etc but do we ultimately rely on GOD? 

All of us face a time either once or more frequently, in our life, where we do not know what to do, how to solve an issue, how to face people to whom we have no satisfactory answers to give. A time when we are overcome by fear of losing or being shamed. Nobody can understand the raging stress in our minds and hearts. All will say, “it will be okay, you will make it out of this”, but what is it that we seek? We seek a calmness that surpasses our understanding. 

Yes, a peace that surpasses our understanding, is a very precious gift given to us by our LORD JESUS, when He ascended into the heavens. Such a thoughtful gift, HE knew we would need it. We can tap into this gift of peace that surpasses all our understanding, only when we rely on GOD. Wholly trust HIM, sometimes to trust HIM means to just quieten our heart and continue our daily chores, and by not worrying about our problems,we show a  sign of our trust in HIM. Worrying is the opposite of having faith, and relying and trusting is the synonym of faith. 

So, whatever be our worries today, let us pray to him, that “ LORD, we trust you. We may not have answers to all our problems, but we have a peace that surpasses all understanding, that is quietening our mind and our heart. We surrender to your will in our life, you are in control, and all things will be beautiful. I will never be put to shame, when i Trust you. Praise you GOD for your Goodness over my life.” In Jesus’ name AMEN.


One Comment

  1. Rani
    28 Jun 2020 09:44:21 Reply

    Praise god . Its very encouraging and gives assurance specially these days of uncertanity ,fear nd stress..thank u pastor..may god bless u.and make u a blessing. Glory be to god..

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