Remembrance of His Love


1 John 4:16 NIV “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them”

The message of this verse revolves around God’s love and recognizing the spirit of error that denies this Spirit of love. 

In the emptiness of our souls, deception is our constant enemy, and in the dryness of our spirits, lies are our frequent visitors. There are two types of spirits in this world: the Holy Spirit and the spirit of division, i.e., the antichrist. The truth is, both of these spirits have control and influence over our lives to a certain extent; thus, it is quite possible to choose the evil spirit over the Holy Spirit and fall prey to it.  

But how can we live in victory if deception is so easy to fall victim to? The Holy Bible has the answer for this; it commands us to “abide.” The Bible meaning of the word Abide is ‘remaining or staying constant irrespective of the feelings or beliefs behind it.’ 

Friends, there is a Spirit through which you are more than conquerors, but there is also another spirit that prowls around like a roaring lion to devour your soul. Thus, in the midst of such peril, your safe haven and means of escape is none other than the Spirit of Love Himself. Choose to abide in Him; choose to remain confident in His love and teachings, irrespective of the popular messages that are going around in the culture. Only when you choose to stand firm and don’t let your faith deviate from that confidence, will you live freely in the middle of any division. 

Thus, challenge your heart today to abide—in His ‘love,’ ‘teachings,’ and ‘character.’ When you pursue His love relentlessly, His love will never fail you. 


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