Renewing your strength


Isaiah 40:31:  But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles;  they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Waiting on the Lord is to wait in His presence and be filled with His strength.  Eagles are the only birds which can soar high in the heavens against a storm.  They can fly and glide and soar for many hours after they renew their strength.  We need God’s strength to face every challenge in life.  With God’s strength, we can go ahead.

Waiting upon the Lord through prayer and communication with Him increases our strength in Him.  It means that if we do not wait upon God, we tend to be weak.  When we are weak, it is impossible to carry on any further.  Just like how the eagles mount up with their wings, the same way we can also fly high over our circumstances.  We definitely need God’s strength to strengthen us in our weakness and frailty.  With God’s strength we can do better in all fields of our life, be it in relationships, job, ministry, career, etc.  Once God strengthens us, we will never we weary or weak. We will have strength enough to run and never faint when challenges choke us.

Experience God’s touch upon your life.  Wait upon God for renewing of your strength.  There is nothing like being strengthened by God.  He will refresh you in such a way that you will be able to continue your journey in life victoriously.


