Rescuer Of His People


2Peter 2:9
The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment.”

We are living in a fallen world surrounded by moral decay and perversion. The world where behaviors that were recognized as clearly wrong are now being protected by law and celebrated by the media.

But God does know how to deal with all things – both sinners and saints included. He is fully capable of doing what needs to be done for those who seek Him.

It may seem impossible to stand in a corrupt world, but God can rescue us. Peter is not saying God will keep us from having difficulty. In his first letter, Peter made the point that trials are a part of being a disciple of Christ. Our calling is to be faithful whether anyone listens or not and to proclaim God’s love and God’s truth regardless of whether it is enthusiastically embraced or rejected.

God is loving! But He is also holy and He is just. Because He loves us, He hates that which moves us away from Him and that is sin. Sin is not an arbitrary standard set by God. Sin stains us and creates a barrier between us and the Lord.

Many times, it isn’t easy to face the fact that there are eternal consequences for our choices. We resist the idea of the Judgment of God because we don’t want to submit to His authority. To be a follower of the way of truth is to follow in the way of Jesus; and though it is not earned or deserved, it is to try to live into his righteousness which he has so graciously bestowed upon us. It is his righteousness that saves us from God’s judgment. transforms us through Holy Spirit, and rescues the godly.


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