Rise Above


The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10

Towers are magnificent structures. Their design is both functionally and aesthetically pleasing.

From rudimentary towers on farmlands in the ancient Middle East to the many “towering” edifices in Europe, these structures serve one primary purpose – protection!

The disciples were travelling from one place to another on a boat. The winds rushed against them and the sea was in turmoil. Like the problems with which they were dealing weren’t enough, at a distance, they saw a figure walking towards them on the water. A ghost, they assumed, and shuddered in fright!

But Jesus spoke to them and put their minds at rest.

One among them was not fully convinced. Or maybe he was just looking for a story to tell his grandkids, not knowing that the future God had planned for him far exceeded this imminent experience.

Nevertheless, Peter said,“Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” – Matthew 14:28

Upon Jesus’ invitation, Peter got out of the boat and walked on water. As long as he focused on Jesus, the unrest around did not affect him. But when he switched his concentration to the winds and the waves, he started sinking.

Jesus reached out, pulled Peter out of the water, and said, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”

Today, the Lord Jesus is asking us the same question. Why do we doubt? Do our problems seem too big to solve? Are we so drowning in them that we can’t see the hand of Jesus trying to pull us out?

It is time for us to rise above our problems and take refuge in Jesus, our strong and mighty tower! Just trust and leave the battle to Him because He has won the war already.


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