Running our race!


Therefore … let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. Hebrews 12:1

Run! Run your race with endurance!

We all are on a track, running the race that is set before us. As we run this race, we need to run according to the instructions that are given to us. There will be hardships, difficulties, hindrances and obstacles on the way, but if we deviate from the track, we will not be worthy of the prize that is in store for us. Challenges and temptations will come our way. There will be struggles that would make our run difficult but we should ensure we overcome them and reach our goal in victory!

We have a trainer in the Holy Spirit who will guide and comfort us during our journey. We have a host of heroes who ran before us and completed their race successfully. We can learn from them, enhance and enrich our lives with their experience, which would give us hope, trust and faith to move ahead. Look at Moses, who led the Israelites through the Red sea as dry land. Joshua who brought Jericho walls down, by faith. Daniel, for whom the angels shut the mouth of the lions, Abraham who had faith that God would raise Isaac even from the dead to fulfill the promises. Gideon was in fear, in hiding, but God made him the leader to fight Israel’s enemies.

Put your trust in God. Believe He will do the same miracles for you as well. He is the same yesterday, today and forever! There will be an end to the troubles you go through today! Let us run our race with endurance and victory will be ours.


One Comment

  1. Arpith.B
    17 Sep 2020 19:41:26 Reply

    Praise God ……..Amen
    Nice 👍 Bible scriptures we understand but we should not be only listeners or hearers but and we should cultivate in our daily life………. the daily devotions was a 💓 heart touching scriptures I will cultivate in my daily life

    Thank you ☺️ everyone !

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