Satisfied in Christ


Joel 2:26 – “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you; And My people shall never be put to shame.”

When reading the Bible, it’s always good to look at the context of a particular verse. Joel chapter 2 starts off somberly – foretelling gloom and darkness at the end of days (Joel 2:2). If we just read that part, we might be shaken up and terrified of what the end of the world may look like. But when we read further, we hear the compassion of our Lord. He’s pleading with His children to return to Him (Joel 2:13).

God doesn’t force us to follow Him. If we choose to turn away, we end up choosing death and destruction, and our end will be in ruin. But the Lord is gracious and compassionate. He longs for us to return to Him. When we repent of our sins and turn back to Him, He welcomes us with open arms and engulfs us with His love. Then, we get to experience the fullness of life He has promised us.

Even if we’ve experienced drastic loss and devastation in our lives, God promises to restore those years to us (Joel 2:25). He promises us an abundance of provision – everything we need to live wholly (Joel 2:24). We will find true satisfaction only when we turn back to our Lord Jesus Christ and abide in His love. We will experience the fulfillment of His promises and praise Him for the wondrous things He’s done in our lives. Our shame will be forgotten and we’ll be able to live eternally in the light of His glory and grace.


One Comment

  1. Miriam Eden
    31 Oct 2020 10:13:04 Reply

    God is love truly pastor praise God for enlightening with God’s holy promised words through Holy Ghost which is working in you pastor. Let Our loving God add more gifts and blessings to your ministry

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