Saved to Serve


John 12:26
“If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.”

The word which catches attention in the scripture is “Serve”. What do we mean by Serve? The meaning of Serve is “To be useful as something”. We can serve either by World’s standard or God’s standard.

Wordly way of serving does not involve commitment. It’s a voluntary action. There is a measure of expectation too when we serve.

Godly way of serving though being voluntary, involves commitment. It should be sacrificial, like how Jesus demonstrated. It requires us to humble ourselves, deny our right to self, obey and say “Not my way Lord but yours” (“If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me”).

When we follow Christ we will constantly be in His presence, it is a promise. Serving Christ is surely rewarded by Father God.

We are all been saved to serve. Let us remember to Serve Him right. God bless us.

Blessed Day.


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