Savour Godliness.


Exalt ye the Lord our God, and worship at his footstool; for he is holy. Psalm 99:5 (KJV)

One should never underestimate the power of a Godly life, i.e. a life led with utmost and genuine concern to please  the God of our lives.

The holy bible emphasises on this aspect in various verses, for instance, in Psalm 37:25,26 David says, “I have been young and now I am old, and in all my years, I have never seen the LORD forsake a man who loves HIM; nor have i seen the children of Godly go hungry. Instead the Godly are able to be generous with their gifts and their children are a blessing.”

The term Exalt in simpler words means “ To think or speak highly of someone or something” the word of God seeks us, to regard our lifestyle of Prayer and worship very high. God is very Holy and in order to please him despite our sinful nature, we need to consciously and diligently put efforts to seek him and his values.

GOD loves us immeasurably and when we totally trust HIS love for us, we will be secure from all the worries and troubles of our life. For we know that a loving father never abandons his child. So let’s Exalt, and regard the GOD of our life high above every worldly pleasures and worship at his feet. For it is in HIS presence we are safe, and made whole.


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