Seek and Find!



Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. Jeremiah 29: 12 (KJV)

Our God is a loving God who knows your name and has beautiful plans for you. Just like the Bible tells is the above verse from Jeremiah, there are 2 commands and 2 promises.

Command: call upon Me and search for me with all your heart.

Promise: I will listen to you, you will find Me.

Thus, set your hearts’ affection on God and make communion with God a lifestyle.

In a world such as ours, setting your affection on God requires an intentional practice to turn your hearts towards God and a discipline of being away from the temptations and care of this world.  Let God not be your speed-dial to run errands. Instead, let God be on your favourite contact list to talk and seek His will for your life in the spirit of true prayer. When knowing and doing the will of our Lord Jesus Christ becomes your habit, there is an unimaginable release of the Supernatural Power of God in your lives (1Corinthians 2:9) (John 14:12). The Bible promises (Isaiah 55:6) that those who seek the Lord Jesus Christ with their whole heart will find him. The Lord will reveal himself to you as you spend time with him (Amos 3:7).

Today, we encourage you to spend time in prayer, stand firm in your faith and find your hope in our Lord Jesus Christ who will hearken unto you.



  1. Clive
    09 Mar 2020 08:00:13 Reply

    Praise be to the Lord!!! Thank you for the lovely message. AMEN

    • Bethel Team
      10 Mar 2020 11:48:30 Reply

      Dear Brother Clive,
      We are glad to hear that you were Blessed with today’s devotional. Thanks for writing back to us and letting us know the same.


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