Set My Face Like a Flint


For the Lord God will help Me; Therefore, I will not be disgraced, Therefore I have set my face like a flint. And I know that I will not be ashamed – Isaiah 50:7

We are living in a season of uncertainty. During this season, our mind becomes our battlefield. As we battle our challenges within our mind, this verse can come to life and rejuvenate our thought pattern.

This verse is a confession of  our faith,victory and confidence in the Lord God. The verse says

The Lord will help me

I will not be disgraced

I will not be ashamed.

The result of the confidence that we have in the Lord Jesus Christ is that we can set our ‘face like a flint’. Flint is a form of mineral quartz widely used historically to make stone tools and start fires. Flint is a sharp, strong and hard substance used in battle to attack and to defend.

When there are oppositions in our lives and there are people around us to shame and disgrace us ,we should not put our head down. But, we need to set our face strong like a flint and continue to trust the Lord God for help.

During this time of the pandemic, we need to continue to take all precautions to say safe. But we should not put our face down in fear. But we need to be determined to set our face like a flint and trust the Lord Jesus to change the situation. We will truly overcome!!

As we go through this day and days ahead, let this be our confession that we will set our face like a flint with toughness and of unwavering determination because our help come from the Lord God.

As it says in Psalm 121 :1-2 – I lift my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.



  1. Cynia Phillips
    14 May 2021 11:57:10 Reply

    When I was very sick I had severe cough cold and fever. While praying often this verse Psalm use to come in my mind and I used to medidate it morning and evening. I praise and thank the lord I am healed and so my family and I know goodness and mercy shall follow al the days of my life Amen. I praise and thank the lord for his abundant blessings on me and my family Amen

  2. Shivaram
    15 May 2021 03:30:32 Reply

    Amen..Praise to the LORD Almighty Loving Gracious Father GOD.

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