Shielded by GOD


A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, and see the reward of the wicked. Psalm 91:7-8

One of the many blessings that we as children of God enjoy, is the protection of God upon our lives. Wherever we go, the presence of God goes with us and his favour is always upon us. This world is full of uncertainties and the wicked schemes of the devil, but our God who is all-powerful stands by our side and fights every arrow that is thrown at us. God ensures our safety, our prosperity and our peace. He overlooks every aspect of our lives.

Troubles are common for everyone. Those who believe in God have troubles and those who don’t also have troubles, but the difference is, when we believe in Jesus, troubles won’t overtake us and problems won’t mess up our lives beyond repair. Our God takes care of the fact that His children will be victorious through every problem and in every challenge. Even earthly parents ensure that they give the best platform to their children and ensure that their future will be bright. How much more will our God who is the creator of every being on this earth, the one who gave His own life for us, ensure that we are happy, prosperous and successful in every area of our lives.

Let us not doubt rather let us completely and doubtlessly trust in our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the beginning and the end and everything in between. When His presence is in everything there is peace, joy, love and hope. So, do not give up, for God is with you and He is for you. Amen.


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