Sick no more!


Psalm 41:3 – “The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness; you will sustain him on his sickbed.”

“You always heal them and restore their strength when they are sick. (Psalm 41:3 CEV).

No one likes to get sick: whether it is a cold, a fever, or a devastating illness, being sick is not pleasant. Worse than being sick is being sick and bed ridden, and people who are in this condition require special care.

But the Lord promises to “strengthen the people who are sick, and to restore them to health.” The Lord heals when He wants; He also promises to be with us when we are “walking through the valley of the shadow of death” (Psalm 23:4).

We can be assured that regardless of the circumstance we are going through, or will go through, the Lord promises to be with us, and that is enough, that is sufficient, that is Grace. He will not leave us or forsake us. (Joshua 1:5).

The Lord is merciful and He will heal us from our sickness: whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual. He will cleanse us, He will forgive our sins, He will bring us His healing. He will carry us and sustain us when we are getting up from our bed of sickness, supporting and helping us stand on our feet again.

So we thank You Lord, for we know that whatever the circumstance we are going through, You promise to be with us, and we thank You for Your healing. Thank You for getting us up from our bed of sickness, and for also carrying us whenever we are too weak to walk. We love You Lord. Amen.


One Comment

  1. Kiran
    20 Dec 2023 11:33:02 Reply

    Amen, for sure God will take us out of our sickness and disease, it’s just a matter time and keeping the faith strongšŸ™

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