Slaves to Sons; Fear to Freedom


For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father. “ Romans 8:15 (NKJV)

Verses 13, 14 and 16 of Romans 8 give us a better context of the leadership and the ministry of the Holy Spirit in us. The Holy Spirit leads us in three aspects, as these verses imply.

Firstly, the Holy Spirit sanctifies us. He is actively leading all those who are born again into Christ’s likeness, personal holiness, godliness and God’s righteousness.

Secondly, He leads us in the liberty of beings sons and daughters of the most High God. We are not only heirs to God’s great riches but have all authority and freedom to enjoy it.

Thirdly, He assures us of our salvation. He testifies to our spirit, bearing witness and confirming that we are the children of God. The Holy Spirit assures us that God is our Father and that He accepts us.

God has set us free from our previous spirit of slavery and fear. Fear, of the state of our soul, of what lies on the other side of death, of the final judgement and of eternal punishment. We lived with these fears. When we are ‘born-again’ into the family of God, the Holy Spirit dissipates that fear. We enter a brand-new relationship with God. We, are no longer alienated from God, nor are we under God’s wrath. Instead, we are adopted as sons and brought near to God, the Father.

“Abba” is an Aramaic word which denotes a very intimate, loving relationship with God the Father. Some children may have extremely strict, stern fathers who are like taskmasters, never approving of them. In sharp contrast, we have a God, the Father, whom we can approach confidently. We can cry out to Him and share our hearts without hiding. The Holy Spirit enlarges our confidence to pray and energizes us to cry out with all our hearts.
The Holy Spirit will bring to completion the entire work of salvation in our lives.


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