Slooooooow to Anger!


The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. – Psalm 103:8 (NIV)

Compassion means “to suffer together.” Emotion researchers define it as the feeling that arises when confronted with another’s suffering and motivated to relieve it. Take a moment to imagine that – The God who created the heavens and the earth is compassionate toward us!. He is a God who comforts us amid our distress.

The Bible mentions that our God walks among us (Leviticus 26:12); He hears us, He is so swift and quick to listen – ‘Before a word is on our tongue He knows it altogether. (Psalms 139:4). In John 15:15, Jesus Christ our Lord refers to us as friends. Today, as we meditate on this verse, let’s rest in confidence that our friend, our Lord understands our suffering and stands with us to comfort and help us through this journey of life.

Our God is slow to anger – a truth repeated many times throughout Scripture. Our Lord is not driven by anger or moved by sin. God’s love is the focus of His character – quick to love, redeem and restore but slow to anger. His anger is just. His consequence for our sin is merciful, and because of His great love, we are preserved (Lamentations 3:22). Sin does not go unpunished; the Bible mentions that God does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve. (Psalms 103:10 NLT)

Our life’s calling as the disciples of our Lord Jesus is to follow (be like) Him. Today let’s resolve in our hearts and commit to living a compassionate life towards others, slow to anger and quick to love. Let us live to be like Jesus Christ- ‘Come, follow me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men.’ At once, they left their nets and followed him.” Matthew 4:18-20 NIV. As difficult as this may seem, the Lord gives grace to the humble.


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