Solace- The Calling


This is my comfort in my affliction, For Your word has given me life.
Psalms 119:50 NKJV

We have reached a point where, rest is the new luxury. Rest can be physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. While most of us focus on the physical, mental and emotional aspect of rest. A lot of them still feel burdened, overworked and tired. Ever wondered why?

Just like a fish out of water, the moment it’s out of it’s natural environment, rest and comfort which came naturally to it, is now something it has to struggle for. Likewise when sin creeped into our lives, we inversed the order of rest and comfort. God made us in His image and we were created to remain in Him and Him in us. Therefore understanding our identity in Christ helps us put things in perspective. Rest and comfort begins from the inside out, Psalms 119:50 talks about how the word of God is a perfect source of comfort during times of trial and tribulations. It goes on to explain, how God’s word gives life.

Let us not forget that nobody knows our heart like our Creator does and therefore looking for rest, comfort and life in a place it doesn’t belong, only leaves our souls dry and weary. When we invest time in understanding God’s word for us, healing flows from the inside out and His perfect peace will surpass all understanding. May we rely on His word for all our needs in every step of our life.



  1. Prathiba Stella Margaret
    23 Jul 2019 07:16:31 Reply

    We bless your name oh God who is the maker of everything… Who kws the very hair of our head… Thank you tat u still love us and gracious towards us.. we will invest our time, talent , an
    d treasures in ur presence… Help us n strengthen us holy spirit.

  2. Midhu LUKE
    25 Jul 2019 08:11:21 Reply

    Let listening to God and seeking His guidance in everything be the only way in our lives!

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