Songs and Signs


“The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; he shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore. .” Psalms 121:7-8

There is a beautiful relation in our singing praises to the Lord and in Gods heavenly provisions. When we see the beauty of God’s majesty revealed in heaven and on earth, it creates in us a natural response of praise. 

This psalm talks about God’s great compassion, blessings, and mighty protection. God’s mighty protection towards His children is not only in His act of saving, but also in how He provides for our day to day lives and leads us into His greater plans. God is always a compassionate Father towards His children and His love leads Him to be protective and careful towards us. He is keen on every detail about you, your daily needs, as well as the needs of your future that is 10 years from now.

God is glorified when His children recognize His love and might. If you are afraid or anxious about anything in your life today, turn it into a song of praise to the Lord. Then watch Him spread His clouds of protection over you, send rain to bless you, and make the grass grow to nourish you – all at the right time.


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