Sorrow to Joy


Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me! For my soul trusts in You; and in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge. Psalm 57:1

King David was the greatest of all the kings of Israel, but his journey was far from easy. Since his anointment as king, he faced numerous enemies, rejections, and bouts of loneliness. David wrote many psalms, often prayers for deliverance from his adversaries. One such psalm is Psalm 57, which he wrote when fleeing from Saul and hiding in the cave of Adullam (1 Samuel 22). 

The God of Angel armies always comes to the rescue of His children. He will deliver those who call upon Him and keep them under the shadow of His mighty wings. David was confident of God’s protection and put his trust and faith in the only One he could truly depend on. As we continue reading this psalm, we see how David’s prayer for help transitions into joy and praise.

Who do you run to for cover when surrounded by enemies and loneliness creeps in? Well, there is no one we can confide in other than our Creator. He directs our lives, and we can confidently approach our God Most High. He is our refuge and fortress. No matter how hopeless the situation may seem, we can always run to Him. God will surely turn every danger or mess into testimonies for His glory. David can testify to this.

Trouble can follow us even when we hide in the safest places, like the cave where David hid. We could try to deal with these troubles ourselves, but like David, it’s best to wait on God. When it’s over, remember to give God the glory for deliverance rather than magnifying our strength. Today, you could be hiding in a cave, but with God’s help, soon you will be on higher ground. God will, and only He can turn our sorrow to joy!


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