Source of Our Strength


Isaiah 40:29

“He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength.”

The context of today’s scripture revolves around a prophet who is trying to encourage the Israelites that their God is with them. He tries to assure the people that God will strengthen them. The Israelites were captured by the Babylonians and had grown weary and tired when the prophet appealed to them to trust in God.

Our God gives strength and power to His people and enables us to help ourselves. He is our source of strength. We can testify to it ourselves. Let’s think of any difficult, hopeless situation we have been in and how we overcame it. Was it through our strength? 

Our strength is insufficient to fight the battles of this life. Surely we would have sought help from our almighty God, who is the strength of His people. And our God never fails us! If He did it then, He will do it now, and always.

The power and the strength that the prophet refers to here are not just for physical weakness, God strengthens us mentally and spiritually too. He can strengthen us to overcome anxiety, depression and stress in life. Through the Holy Spirit, He strengthens us spiritually against every oppression and affliction we face from the enemy.

Therefore, let us not lose sight of the power of the almighty God. He is so yesterday, today, and forever. There is no deficiency or decay in our God. His ability and power are boundless. His wisdom is endless. He never sleeps nor slumbers. He never tires. He always upholds His creation and governs them.

May we have the right vision to see that God is more than enough and there is not a moment when He has allowed us to face difficult situations by ourselves. He is sovereign over us. Let us not be weary in running to God and calling unto Him because our source of strength and might is He.

Blessed Day Ahead!


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