Source of Strength and Peace


Psalms 29:11 (KJV)
The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace.

The Lord will give strength to His people even in the most dreadful storms and commotions of life. The Lord Jesus Christ has promised to strengthen and fortify us against evil and the enemy. He will keep us in the palm of His hand where the evil one cannot access us. When we are weak, the grace and the strength of our Lord Jesus Christ is made evident and complete (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Besides strength, the Lord Jesus Christ promises peace to His people even as we endure life’s tempest, storms and difficulties. Peace is not the absence of the ‘Valley of the shadow of Death’, but it indicates the state of our heart even in the ‘valley’- fearing nothing because the Lord Jesus Christ is our shepherd and ‘we shall want nothing’.

If we require strength and peace, we are to ask the Lord Jesus Christ ­- This is our promise for today.


One Comment

  1. Ramakrishna
    30 Jan 2020 07:30:00 Reply

    Yes ofcourse even in little troubles let’s trust our Lord Jesus. Because He is good, His presence shall go with all of us. In times of temptation and trails He is our pleasant help. His mercies are always be with us. Because He is trustworthy His love endures forever. Let’s cling on to Him, in our loneliness He is our friend though He is a King. He never leave us nor farsake. Because He is Almighty father, He gives everlasting life, His goodness is great.there is no like him Amen

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