Stability in the midst of uncertainty


Isaiah 33:6

“Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times, and the strength of salvation; The fear of the LORD is His treasure.”

Instability and uncertainty has become a way of life in the recent times. Who can be able to predict their tomorrows or their futures? Is there going to be a lockdown or not? Are the cases going to decrease or increase? Will the economy rise or fall? When will life return to normal? Is this the new normal? The questions can go on and on…

But here’s what the Word of the Lord says-The Lord God Himself will be your constant source of stability in these changing times. So if your life has been disrupted and your faith has been wavering, do an analysis and find out what is the source of these thoughts and feelings. Then surrender them to the Lord, cast your anxiety on Him because He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). Do not be anxious about ANYTHING, but in EVERY circumstance by prayer, petition and thanksgiving continue to offer your faith filled requests to the Lord. (Philippians 4:6-7). Then, the wonderful blessing of divine peace, the peace that cannot be comprehended by human understanding, the peace that the precious Spirit of God brings will reign in your thoughts and your heart.

Grow your faith through the Word of the Lord for through this you will gain wisdom and knowledge. You will be confident of this-no matter what tomorrow brings, it will be a blessing in your life for your life has been surrendered to Christ and He holds your future. Your hope will not be based on the unpredictability of the stock market or government policies or your company decisions or the market conditions; but your hope will be built on Christ the Rock. May your treasure constantly be the reverent fear and knowledge of the Most High!


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