Stand Firm- The Battle belongs to the Lord!


Habakkuk 3:19 

The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills.

To give context, Habakkuk was filled with fear when he heard the report about how the Lord would use Babylon to discipline Judah. Despite his fear, he is overwhelmed with joy as he puts his trust in God and waits patiently for Him to rescue His covenant people.

In the time of distress, Habakkuk declares that the Lord is his strength; his strength was not from anything else apart from the Lord God.

Why does Habakkuk give an example of deer’s feet? In the high hills, deer will never lose a step or fall, but to do the same for others is not an easy task. Keeping that in mind, he proclaims, “God will also set my steps firmly and make sure I will never slip or fall.”

We can learn so much from this scripture: when all around us falls apart, let us trust in the Lord. Choosing worry and anxiety will not change anything, but praying and remembering that our God is always in control allows us to live peacefully.

That is how we are different from the rest; as God’s children, we set an example for others. When we walk by faith and keep our focus on God’s promise, we will sail through the storm and testify to the victory God gives us.


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