Stay Blessed, Take the Righteous Path


Psalm 1:1 (NKJV) – Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful.

While we want to imitate and strive to be in the image of God our Father, we must first look at God’s foremost characteristic – He is the epitome of Righteousness.

The Bible teaches us in Psalm 1:1 how to go about being ‘righteous’. Apart from delighting and meditating in God’s law, a righteous person is also content, joyous, and has God’s favor.

The righteous person strives to obey the points below, as mentioned in God’s word:

– they choose where they go(walk to) for counsel: Do they go to God first when they need help? Do they go to the ungodly when times are tough or use their discernment to seek out only godly counsel?

– they choose(to stand in) the path they must take in their life: Do they take the path to Heaven, which is straight and narrow compared to the busy highway of broad roads used by thronging sinners? Do they wait on God, who is “the Way, the Truth and the Life” to show them His will for their life?

– they choose(to sit) to stay away from the scornful: Do they join the gossip mongers and talk about others?

Do they join the naysayers or crowd who negatively talk about God, the church or the pastors with their mocking, criticizing, cursing, or being disrespectful in their speech or actions?

God has a special blessing for those He calls ‘blessed’, i.e. He has kept special favors for those who take time to show Him they love Him through their obedience and actions.


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