Stay Strong in God


Job 19:25-26

I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God.

When we read the entire chapter, we understand that Job is in despair and impatient. But in the middle of his brooding, he did not lose faith & trust in God and says that he knows that his God lives. He had an assurance that God will bring him out of his distress.

Job had no idea why his life was falling apart. He had no clue about the conflicts & discussions happening about him between the satan n God. In a way, he’s not even sure how to respond to what is going on with his life. We see that he was patient in the beginning, then made some nasty comments displaying a proud attitude and arguing with & questioning God. But what is more interesting is that his trust in God was unwavering. He firmly resolved to trust God irrespective of the crisis he was undergoing.

This unfaltering trust in God helped him experience a deepness of intimacy with God, which he would not have imagined otherwise.

In the end, Job came forth as a faithful child of God and was able to say with authority “I know in Whom I have believed – I know that my Redeemer lives and that one day He is going to fulfill all the plans and promises made to those that love and trust Him. One day He will indeed stand on the earth. One day He will truly be seated on His earthly throne in Jerusalem and fill His heavenly position in the heavenly Jerusalem.”

When our trust in God is unshakable, we can say that we know that our redeemer lives. We are blessed to be able to say with authority that we KNOW that He is coming back for us.



  1. Shivaram
    02 Jun 2021 13:33:39 Reply

    Amen..Praise to the LORD Almighty Loving Gracious Father GOD.

  2. Rosebell Fredericks
    02 Jun 2021 15:32:36 Reply

    Yes my Redeemer lives and He will fullfil all His promise and plan for those who trust and Love Him. God bless you and your Ministry

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