Staying Afloat On Fellowship


Matthew 26:41 (NKJV)

Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

An army of Amalekites attacked the Israelites in Rephidim. While Moses climbed up a hill to keep watch over the war, Joshua chose an army and set out to battle.

Amazingly, as long as Moses held his hands up, the Israelites were winning. But when he lowered his hands, the Amalekites turned the tables.

Doesn’t this remind us of our daily battle against sin? As long as our hands are lifted up in prayer and worship, God will fight out battles and deliver us from the evil one. But when we grow weary and tired, temptations seem too hard to overcome.

Back on the hill, Moses’ strength was fading. Every time his hands dropped, both Aaron and Hur supported him by holding his hands up. And every time Moses’ hands went up, the Israelites were on the winning side. By sundown, they had defeated the Amalekites.

Often, we find it hard to keep our focus on the Lord Jesus when satan uses the things of the world to distract us. In such situations, it is a blessing to have friends like Aaron and Hur who help us when we can’t help ourselves.

The Holy Bible says, “not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” – Hebrews 10:25 (NIV)

Finding the right circle of friends is critical! It isn’t because our friends can fight our battles for us. But they can strengthen our relationship with our mighty God, who will give us victory in our battles against the evil one!


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