Stir Up Love!



And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works. Hebrews 10:24 (KJV)


‘Consider one another’ — to think carefully about someone tenderly and lovingly.

The call to us is to consider one another – to look, think, and focus on one another. We need to find ways to help others to become loving people. Our lives’ aim is not just to love and do good deeds but also to stir up others to love and to good deeds.

Our Lord Jesus lives by example; He loves us, and His love stirs us to love and to good works. Our lives should pattern Christ; we should take time to ‘consider’ – plan and prepare ourselves to influence someone to love and good deeds. Every day is new and different. People change, and so do their circumstances, but the call remains the same: ‘consider one another.’ What are they like? What possibly could their situation be? What can we do to help a person become loving? How can we help someone do good deeds?

As examples, we should be excellent in love, especially when it is the hardest. Then we ‘stir’ the other person to love. We do it kindly, patiently, and we do it every day. When we pray and persevere, we will succeed. As a church, we should find people to whom we could tell the love and good works we find in Jesus Christ, our Lord. This focus of ‘considering’ others in our everyday living will make our lives enjoyable and fulfilling.


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