Sufferings-your platform to growth!


Romans 5:3-4

Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.

“I can’t go through this anymore,” Tashi wailed in prayer, “when is it going to end? Please Lord, I’m tired and weak, I give up.” Yet, the next morning, as she opened her eyes, she asked the Lord for His strength and mercy and hoped that this would be the day when she would see a change.

Only someone who has been battling various enemies for a long long time will be able to comment on how difficult it is to ALWAYS be joyful in times of troubles. When you’ve been waiting for a breakthrough for years, either you give up or you grow up. Though Tashi said that she wanted to give up, the very fact that she woke up the next morning with hope shows that she had actually grown up.

Sufferings may be painful, only because they put us to the test-physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually. Eventually, we learn to endure. Science says if you take 10-15 mins to stretch, you allow your body to get stronger. Likewise, even with our spirits. Which is why the Lord allows us to face challenges, never leaving us alone but preparing, equipping and strengthening us all the while. With every affliction, you get braver and braver, getting refined in your faith and character. Look back on your life and reflect on how you’ve matured through hardships. Now look forward in confidence that He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it. Not by your strength, not by your might, but by the Spirit of the Lord. His strength will be made perfect in your weakness. When you are weak and heavy laden, He says, ‘Come to me.’ For His yoke is easy and His burden is light. The righteous may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them ALL! Thank you Jesus!



  1. Priscilla Swarup
    29 Dec 2018 14:40:52 Reply

    Respected Rev Johnson
    I am an ardent follower of the English services (3rd service) almost for the past six years as I watched once in the God TV just for 30 minutes. Following the church website I started following in the PC since then and I have many of your messages as they are very enjoyable supportive mostly encouraging and educative.
    Everyday I go through the latest articles also. The message “suffering your platform to growth” was very apt for me and very much encouraging as it said I face life not by my might not bu my strength but by the spirit of the Lord and my faith grows more and more.
    Lord Blessed my family with 2 daughters and from my childhood till date He had blessed me emotionally, economically in every aspect of life, I count His Blessing every day throughout the year Just thank Him
    Almighty allowed me to face challenges in life after my retirement my Husband had a stroke 5 years ago and still today he walking is a bit difficult God was and is with me as I managed alone settled in Delhi My younger daughter is settled but the elder one above 36 do not want to settle in life and as a parent I have the responsibility and I look forward with confidence that our God is a faithful God to begin His work in her life to complete it.

    Waiting to watch the worship service held on 23.12.2018 and Xmas service on 25.12.2018 in the website
    Happy New Year to You All !!!!!
    I request to please Pray

    • Bethel Team
      17 Jan 2019 12:30:20 Reply

      Dear Sister Priscilla,
      We are so glad to know that you are Blessed through the Bethel Ministry. We will keep your family in our prayers. We believe that the promise of the Lord upon the Bethel Church will be fulfilled in your life and upon your family too…this being the YEAR OF GREAT TRIUMPH!

      Just attaching the links to our Christmas Service and New Year Service (in case you couldn’t find them on our website).
      Christmas Service:
      New Year Service:


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