Sufficiency of His Word


The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; Psalm 19:7

Scripture is so powerful. Scripture is “perfect” –– that is, whole, complete, comprehensive, and sufficient. David writes that it converts and transforms the entire inner person. It brings radical change from the inside out, restoring man at the deepest level of his existence.

How many times we have been overwhelmed by fear, troubles, anxieties, and the Lord spoke from His Word and brought that “peace that passes all understanding” (Philippians 4:7). Where we were ignorant and God brought insight through His Word, we were confused but through His faithful Word, He made us wise so we could make the right decisions.

Scripture is represented as the “testimony of the Lord”, meaning that it contains God’s outspoken witness to man. It is reliable, trustworthy, unwavering, and immovable.

The supreme purpose of God’s law is to revive His people back to how they were before the fall of man. The Word of God has the power to enter the soul and restore it. It reveals the places which lack the fullness that ought to be there. It is beautiful how the Lord is able and willing to penetrate the hardness of our soul which in turn leads to a revival of the soul.

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, please help me take Your Word into my mind and heart and allow it to transform me from the inside out. Amen!


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