
Isaiah 12:1– “O LORD, I will praise You; though you were angry with me, Your anger is turned away, and You comfort me.”

Our God is a compassionate, forgiving, merciful God. He is not a God that stays angry in spite of our wrongdoings, because He ‘is’ Love. “His anger lasts only a moment, but His favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may last for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5). We can only rejoice after we experiment the forgiveness and the favor of God – and the favor of God surpasses His momentary anger.

He is a passionate God and His love for us is absolutely unexplainable. Our God is able to extend to us, every morning, His mercy. He loves to have great compassion over us; He loves to comfort us; He loves to protect us; He loves to love us.

He is “slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.” (Psalm 103:8).

Isn’t it much better to have our God look upon us with His tender love and mercies?
Our focus must be to please Him all the time, to give Him the glory and the attention that only He deserves. So, why provoke our God to anger? Let us all give up our wicked ways, our evil thoughts, and let us all turn to the Lord so that He will have mercy on us. (Isaiah 55:7). So ‘turn to the Lord’ is what we must do in order to receive His mercy.

We thank you our merciful God and Savior, for extending to us, in an everlasting way, Your kindness, Your goodness, Your mercies, Your compassion, Your unfailing love. Amen!


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