The Beauty of Fellowship


Matthew 18:20 – “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

Jesus was always around people. He did spend time alone early in the morning for prayer, but the rest of his day was usually spent with people. Whether it was his disciples, a crowd of people needing healing, a tax collector or the Samaritan women, Jesus always chose the company of people. It’s no wonder that in today’s verse He reminds us that when two or three are gathered in His Name, He’s there in their midst.

The early church followed certain spiritual disciplines, but one of the most prominent ones was fellowship. They always gathered together – at the temple courts, in synagogues, in upper rooms and gardens. They did not neglect meeting together (Hebrews 10:25) and neither should we.

As believers, we need the companionship of other like-minded disciples of Christ, so we can encourage each other, pray for one another, learn from God’s Word and grow together. While your daily individual time with Jesus is important, so is time spent as a group at God’s feet. When you pray with a friend, attend a prayer group in your locality and worship with others in church, you can be sure God is right there in your midst. If you want to experience the fullness of God’s presence, take time to seek out the beauty of godly fellowship.


One Comment

  1. Muchiri Kelvin
    30 Apr 2022 13:11:40 Reply

    Thank to God am blessed this morning,, I remember the first time I attended the Christian Union at the University of Nairobi, I didn’t know if the beuty of fellowship would change my entire life, I found it soo interesting and since then am committed to serving God our Savior and am not ashamed of spreading His good news to other people,, actually am blessed soo much this morning,,

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