The Best Laid Plans


Isaiah 55:9

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

We’d love our life to work out the way we envision it. But so many times, things don’t work out the way we expect. In those situations, it’s comforting to remember that although we don’t understand what’s happening, God always does. We can’t see the full picture but God, who is beyond time, sees the past, present and future. He knows what we need at each juncture of our lives.

If God does not give us something we’d been looking forward to, we can trust that it’s His best for us in the present scenario. As today’s verse emphasizes, the Lord’s plans for us are far higher than our own. He has good plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11) and His purpose cannot be thwarted (Job 42:2). If you’re feeling discouraged or disappointed today, take your eyes off your circumstance and place them on Jesus Christ.

Grieve the loss of your dream and the life you envisioned, but don’t stay there. Encourage yourself in the Lord, remember the promises He’s given you. Trust that God knows what He’s doing and He’s got His best in store for you. The best laid plans are not what you map out for yourself, but what happens when you surrender your will to God and let Him have His way in your life.


One Comment

  1. Nicholas Pink
    02 Jun 2022 05:49:51 Reply

    Gracious, heavenly father we thank you for being with us. Lord. Thank you for your plans, thank you for all that you have provided for us thank you lord for your blessings in Jesus name Amen 🙏

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