The Blessedness of Fearing the Lord


Psalm 128:1

Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways.

Fear is a connotative word which can have a positive or a negative meaning. We primarily understand ‘fear’ as a negative word. Hence the saying that ‘where fear abides, faith cannot reside’. This statement stands true when fear means dread; for then, fear can produce anxiety, pain, stress and even sickness. Fear is the natural response to legitimate threats. Indeed, God, in His wisdom, knew that man needed to feel fear. But a mere response should not become a stronghold.

In the Hebrew Bible, there are two words: ‘yirah’/‘yare’ and ‘mowra’/’guwr’. Both translated as reverence, admiration, awe, devotion or honour. So, every time these words were transliterated to ‘fear.’

To fully understand what the Bible says, try replacing the word ‘fear’ with ‘honour’ when it is about the Lord. It should then bring a beautiful contextual meaning. Example: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom(Proverbs 9:10). Translated in one of the versions: ‘The beginning of wisdom is the awe of Jehovah God’ or ‘Revering and honouring the Lord, is the pre-eminence of wisdom.’

Therefore, blessed is everyone who is devoted to the Lord, who honors Him by walking in His ways. When you sincerely mediate in the presence of the Lord and gaze upon His majesty, you will be in awe of who He truly is. This ‘reverential fear’ will enable you to see beyond and reach into the depths of His heart. When you are in awe of a majestic mountain range or the intricate detailing of a rare stone, you don’t just stop there. You feel inclined to want more of it. Your desire to experience it only grows for the absolute peace, beauty, thrill, joy and excitement it produces in you.

Beloved, may you feel the same ecstasy in the glorious presence of the Lord. That immense realization of His love that was displayed on the Cross in Christ!!!


One Comment

  1. Esther
    19 Aug 2022 08:19:12 Reply

    Amen amen The fear of the lord is the key to success.Wonderful message thank you dear Pastor

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