The Confessions of a Believer!


Numbers 14:9

“Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them.”

Most of us know the backdrop of this story. The Lord had already promised the people that He was going to be giving them the Country of Canaan. So, Moses selected twelve leaders with the task of going, looking, assessing, observing and describing what they saw. After forty days of scouting the land, they returned home. While they did acknowledge the good that they found, they magnified the people who were giants living there. They even went to the extent of spreading scary rumours about the Nephilims. Moreover, they labelled themselves as grasshoppers in addition to comparing themselves to these giants.

It was only Joshua and Caleb who stood against these confessions. They told the people not to rebel against the Lord by being scared of the giants. In fact, their confession was this: God will lead us, He will give it to us, He is with us!

Joshua and Caleb decided to magnify the Lord and even encouraged the people in their faith. What a vision they had to have the courage of saying that they would devour these giants! Beloved, when you go about your life, assessing your situations, how would you describe what you see? With your physical eyes or your spiritual eyes? May your confession be that of faith and not of fear. While you acknowledge the good that the Lord has done, be mindful of what you magnify. May you speak the LIFE of the Lord in your own life today!



  1. waqas qamar
    07 Oct 2021 00:02:53 Reply

    Hi dear, I am Waqas Qamar, I am working to Human rights in Pak. I working with you in Pak. God bless you.

    • Bethel Team
      08 Oct 2021 11:24:14 Reply

      Dear Waqas,

      Praying for the protection and guidance to be with all His children.

      Daily Devotions Team

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