The Craftsman of Peace


Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. KJV

The above verse is a definitive reminder that even though the world we live in today is filled with turbulence and chaos, we as children of God have access to a superior form the peace. The peace from our Lord Jesus Christ. When God blessed us with His peace, He did so with the intention of protecting our minds and our hearts from the unrest that is widespread in this world. This peace that we enjoy is not for us alone, but to be shared with the ones around us. We, as partakers of this indefinable peace, have the responsibility of spreading the same to one another and to live in unity.  The peace that comes from God, does not only allow us to stay calm and positive but it also gives us supernatural strength to endure our sufferings and yet be at peace with ourselves and also with each other. Our Lord has bestowed upon us His peace as a shield of defense. He has equipped us with this powerful weapon through which we can conquer our negative thoughts and feelings.

Each one of us has been designed meticulously and with precision, in a way that we are able to function in one accord, as one body- His Body. The role of each one of His people individually as well as together is instrumental for the efficient working of His Holy Body. Since we together make His Body, it becomes imperative that we are at peace with ourselves and also with each other. It is through His peace alone, that we can be productive and fruitful in extending His kingdom here on earth. We ought to be glad and thankful for this peace that enables us to serve our Lord Jesus Christ as His own Holy Body.

Let us make a commitment today that we will allow God`s divine and mystical peace to rule our hearts irrespective of our circumstances and challenges. Trust His precious peace to comfort you in every trial and deliver you from all kinds of pain. When His peace becomes primary in your heart, every other emotion becomes secondary.


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