The Everlasting Kingdom


Psalm 145:13 “Your Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and Your dominion endures throughout all generations”

This is one of the clearest statements of God’s sovereignty in the Bible, and it is equally important for us to understand it. God owns everything because He created it (John 1:3). The earth belongs to the Lord, as does everything on it. He established His throne in the heavens (Psalm 103:19). God reigns as King over the earth and the heavens, and His kingdom is eternal.

The Babylonian Empire was the greatest power in the world at the time, and its king, Nebuchadnezzar, had no equal. Through a series of encounters with God’s miraculous power and wisdom, King Nebuchadnezzar became acquainted with the Most High God. He realized the greatness of God of heaven when Daniel interpreted the dream for him when none of Babylon’s Wiseman, magicians, enchanters, astrologers, or diviners could. He also praised God for being with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and rescuing them from the fire.

Nebuchadnezzar learned the doctrine of God’s sovereignty, and he witnessed the miraculous signs and wonders performed by the Most High God for him, as well as His power and authority (Daniel 4:3). When God gave the King a dream of a tree, Daniel interpreted it and told him that if he does not acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men, he will be driven away from people and forced to live with wild animals. So, Daniel advised the King to repent of his sins by doing the right thing and to replace his wickedness with kindness to the oppressed in order for his prosperity to continue.

Unfortunately, there was no repentance in the heart of this proud king. He said the great Babylon is built by his mighty power and for the glory of his majesty. His belief on God did not match with his obedience to God. So the dream was fulfilled and he was driven away from people. The King’s sanity was restored only when he looked towards heaven at the end of that time. Then he extolled and praised God, the King of Heaven. All those who walk in pride can be humbled by God.

Let us not have to learn this the hard way. Let us humble ourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt us. Only obedience to God will make us wise and successful in everything (Joshua 1:8). His dominion is eternal, His Kingdom endures from generation to generation.


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