The everlasting life


John 6:47:  Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

We all have a purpose for living on earth.  We are here not by chance but by the will of God.  Our living on earth is not just to live for some years and just vanish from it, but it is more than that.  While we live here, we are to make a connection with God, and that connection happens through knowing who God is.  Once we know who God is, we should believe that He is our Saviour and that by believing in God, we will have everlasting life.

We all have our expiry date upon us, but that is not the end of it.  Our life is more than being in the grave.  When we give our life to God or surrender it to God, we are telling God to have His way in us.  God gives us this gift of everlasting life when we go to heaven. Jesus said, “verily, verily I say unto you.”  It means that He was not joking when He made the promise of everlasting life.  He most assuredly convinced us that what He is telling is true.  Our earthly life has pain and sorrow but when we go back to our Creator, He will give us the promised everlasting life where we will never die or be in pain.  What should we do then to receive this gift? Just believe in God.

Believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for your sins so that you are forgiven and set free.   Oh how glorious will be those moments when we see Jesus face to face and spend eternity with Him!



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