The father of faith


Galatians 3:6-7:  Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.  Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.

Abraham was called out to worship God in the manner that He was supposed to be worshipped.  He called him and just said him to go to the land that He shows him.  Abraham took God’s word for granted and started journeying as what is called, the journey of faith.  He didn’t know the challenges that lay ahead in the new land, the land that he had no idea of geographically.  He also believed in God when He said He would give him and his wife, Sarah, a son, though Sarah was past the age of childbearing.  Finally, he obeyed God and took up his son, Isaac to offer him to God which God prevented by providing a ram on the mount.

All that Abraham did was to simply obey God.  He took God’s word for granted and was willing to be led by the unseen hand of God.  His faith was an unshakable faith and that is why it was accounted to him for righteousness.  He had a right standing with God.  It just takes our heart to demonstrate a simple child-like faith when God tells or promises something to us.  It may seem weird and foolish to understand what is going on in our lives, but if you can only believe God and take Him at His word and take each step of faith, you will see the glory of God and the promises of God getting fulfilled in your life.

If we have faith, then we are called as Abraham’s children.  Abraham believed God in every difficult and testing times.  His heart never questioned God or His plans for him.  He just believed Him, and he is now called the father of faith.  Hallelujah!
