The Preserving Fear


“Love the Lord, all His faithful people! The Lord preserves those who are true to Him, but the proud He pays back in full.”  Psalm 31:23

Fear usually dispositions us from everything that’s right and in tune. But there is a kind of fear that is a predisposition for life’s blessings, healing, and empowerment.

This kind of fear involves trust. Trust is a beautiful place where we surrender, lower all our baggages, and come to stillness from hustles. It is a place where the intimacy of a relationship is developed and deep comfort is found.

The wandering heart of David was seeking refuge from all his anxieties, comfort from all his anguish– He found it in the “fear of the Lord!” His soul was longing for the deep trust.

The same God who empowered David to be a mighty warrior, a king of legacy, and a person after his own heart calls us to embrace this fear today. The ruling majesty of God bends low to lift us up and embraces us in His love. Dear friends, the fear of the Lord retains life, comfort, and healing in it. So, do you accept this invitation to embrace this fear today?  


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