The GOD of Forever


O give thanks unto the God of heaven: for his mercy endureth forever. Psalm 136:26 

It is very human of us to remember the disasters of our life much quicker than the blessings that have sustained us. We have our moments of doubt and anger because we all go through troubles and feel left out. GOD knows and is aware of these feelings in us, and guess what HE is not surprised nor is he disappointed in you. He is forever looking out for you.

We all have our story of disappointments and regrets, especially, in this season of the pandemic, we have lost our loved ones or seen our friends and family struggle through the losses, and in this process, we have all questioned “WHY” and never received an answer. We continue our lives, with these continuing questions of why, whereas in the meantime, believe it, GOD has not given up, but instead, HE is opening up the doors to your next victory and strength. No loss is too big for our GOD to fill, No pain is unbearable when our GOD is by our side.

Psalm 136, is a psalm of remembrance and thanksgiving, reminding us in these tough times, that HE is ever merciful and filled with lovingkindness. We have nothing to worry and fear about for HE has taken care of everything concerning us, we might not see it now, or might not understand it this very moment, but in GOD’s big picture, the pieces will fit right in. until then let us GIVE THANKS for every circumstance, whether good or bad, happy or unhappy, for HE deserves every praise honor and glory.


One Comment

  1. Shivaram
    23 May 2021 16:26:06 Reply

    Amen..Praise to the LORD Almighty Loving Gracious Father GOD.

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