The Greater Love of GOD


Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John:15:13 

When we sit back and think of all the wonderful things our GOD has done for us, the above verse pops up as a highlight. How awesome is the love of our GOD, that HE laid down HIS life for mankind, that whoever believes in HIM will not perish, but will have everlasting life.   

Imagine the scene of Jesus hanging on the cross, bearing the pain of the nails in HIS hands and feet. A thorny crown on HIS head, HIS back bleeding with the whips of the Roman soldiers. Amidst all this physical pain, the mental agony of being rejected by HIS own people whom he had ministered to, healed and performed miracles for, and above all the rejection he received from HIS heavenly father to hang on that cross for us. Despite all this, it is astonishing to know that “ HE THOUGHT OF YOU AND ME, AND BELIEVED HE WILL MAKE ALL THINGS NEW”  

We are HIS testimony. Our life is a proof of the work that was done on the cross by our savior and GOD Jesus Christ. Nobody can love us the way our LORD JESUS has loved us, for HE laid down HIS life for us to lead a life of friendship with GOD. we are no more slaves, but friends of GOD. let us take courage in our loneliness, depression, hurt and grief for we have a GOD who died for us and rose again in victory defeating the grave. We are HIS chosen people. We are victorious. 


One Comment

  1. Suparna Priya David
    12 May 2020 08:26:48 Reply

    Blessed by this msg. Im not getting this daily devotion, plz send me🙏

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