The Greatest Victory


Romans 8:2

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.


When Jesus accomplished His ultimate mission on the Cross of Calvary, He defeated death, to usher in a new era – an era where people could live according to the Spirit of Life.

God is righteous and holy beyond imagination. Without the provision for forgiveness through sacrifice, only a handful of people would have survived God’s rightful judgement in the old testament.

But, God is as righteous, as He is merciful!

In the time of Ezra, His mercy was prevalent when people engaged in inter-cast marriages, while building the Temple of God. But, He could not have a personal relationship with sinful humans, though His heart longed for us. It hurt Him to see people getting lost in the law of sin and death.

The pressing need to save humanity reached its climax when Jesus took up the onus of saving us and stepped down from heaven. From king to man, He is the perfect example of a servant king! More power than any mortal human, yet more humility and compassion than any of us. He changed many of our eternal destinations with the selfless act of bearing the cross on our behalf.

Let’s thank Jesus for opening the gates of life and defeating satan on the day of crucifixion, when His love for humanity etched the most heart-rending love story for all eternity!


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