The Greatness of God’s Goodness


Psalm 31:19 – “Oh, how great is Your goodness, Which You have laid up for those who fear You, Which You have prepared for those who trust in You In the presence of the sons of men!

God is good all the time… it’s a phrase, we sing with much gusto and we also believe it most of the time. But is it possible for a human being to actually grasp the greatness of God’s goodness? With our limited brainpower, we often restrict God’s goodness to a happy day, a productive week at work or a sickness free month. But God’s goodness is so much greater than that!

Psalm 31 was penned by King David during one of the more trying periods of his life. David talks about being in distress, sorrowful, grieved, weak, forgotten, broken, slandered and dreaded by his friends. People are actually conspiring to take his life. Yet in all this, David is able to proclaim his trust in the Lord (Psalm 31:14). David believed in the greatness of God’s goodness. He proclaimed God’s promises and rested in them, even during his trials. David’s prayers turned into praise, even before they were answered.

Are you going through a challenging time in your life? Perhaps, you too need to be reminded of the greatness of God’s goodness that is laid up for those who fear Him. He has good plans for you. When you take refuge in the Lord, He will not let you be put to shame. Instead, He will honor you in the presence of others. Don’t let your circumstances get the better of you. Trust in the Lord and know that His goodness and mercy will surely follow you all the days of your life.


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