The Hope of Resurrection


John 11:25-26

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

Have you ever felt completely discouraged and hopeless? The disciples probably felt the same when Jesus died. Their beloved leader, teacher, and friend was brutally beaten, nailed to the cross, and buried in a borrowed tomb. Their Lord, the One who said He was life itself, now lay dead. And with Him lay all the hopes they might have had for a future.

The disciples might have lost all hope, but it was not the end of the road for them. Jesus rose from the dead, and His resurrection brought purpose back into their lives. It heralded a future that changed their lives and the course of history itself.

Are you too facing a situation that seems totally hopeless? Perhaps you’re still waiting for your promotion at work, your health is deteriorating, a key relationship is messed up and all your prayers seem futile. This may be the fact of your life, but the truth is that you are never without hope.

You can continue to hope because our Lord Jesus Christ is not dead; He is alive. He will resurrect every area of your life that you entrust to Him. Some parts of your life may seem stagnant but they are not dead. The God who brought dry bones to life and created an army in the wilderness can still perform wonders through the desert days of your life.


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