The Image Bearing Light


“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” – Matthew 5:8 NKJV

Most of us who’ve read the Holy Bible for many years know this Scripture by heart, but only a few of us understand the original meaning in its intended context. Essentially, these are the “Be-Attitudes”- the attitudes Jesus wants us to stand on and beyond any physiological process it was an attitude of the heart Jesus was emphasizing here. 

Today is celebrated as The International Day of Light and in the Kingdom of God our Father sees us as lights unto this dark world. So, we must cultivate a pure heart for it’s a prerequisite to know our Heavenly Father and shine His light,“For without holiness nobody will see the Lord.” – Hebrews 12:14

Purity of the heart signifies humility, obedience, unbiasedness, our hunger for God and an expectation for God to be present in every circumstance. But where does this essence of purity come from? It essentially comes from love; love that reflects God’s light leads us to purity. It’s not with our definitions of love or through our corruptible physical bodies that we bear His light, but through our hearts, or rather through the purity of our hearts that we bear His light.

God is light and our light emits only when we know Him personally which in turn makes us pure on the inside. So beloved, let’s learn to develop a culture of knowing Him every single day, and fulfil our calling of being His light unto this dark world. 


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