The Joy of the Lord is my Strength!


Nehemiah 8:10 For this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

The word ‘Joy’ means to rejoice or to be glad. The word ‘Strength’ in the same verse means stronghold or a safe place or a tower of refuge. This verse simply means our strength is based on our relationship with God. If we can find joy in our relationship with God, we will develop an inner strength that will calm all the storms of our lives.

Nehemiah, the cupbearer to the King, was leading the restoration of Jerusalem. But he was not only concerned about rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, but also restoring the hearts of people. He encouraged his team to repent of their sins because he knew the joy of the Lord is associated with restoration. Nehemiah 9:17 says “But you are a God of forgiveness, gracious and merciful, slow to become angry, and rich in unfailing love. You did not abandon them”.

Many of us might arise each day with repeated sins. It could be losing our patience, or some kind of addiction or even being unable to control our thoughts. We would have tried our best but miserably failed to handle it. Submitting these areas of helplessness into the hands of God, we find freedom in Christ and also it leads to strength and joy in our lives.

From Nehemiah’s story we understand that  in order to experience joy an inner restoration is necessary  prior to the exterior rebuilding of the city. Let us also rebuild our lives from within, so that the joy of the Lord, which is our strength, can shine through and guide us to the next step on God’s path of purpose for our lives.


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